Cultural Narrative
The name gifted to the School by Ngāi Tūāhuriri
“Te Matauru” which means “The eye to the west”
Mata = face/eye
Uru = west
Mata is also short for “Taumata” = summit/top of hill/resting place. The area was a trail to the alps and to the hunting grounds. The school site is near Māori Reserve MR873 but was not a place of major settlement.
Our Pepeha
Ko Maungatere te maunga
Ko Rakahuri te awa
Ko Ngāi Tūāhuriri te mana whenua
Naia toku mihi
Ko Te Matauru toku kura
Our Vision Statement
“Ekea Kā Taumata Ki Te Uru” which means “Look to the peaks of the alps and ascend to great heights”
Cultural Focus
Thanks to Whaea Danni we now have a library of soundbites to help us with the pronunciation of our building and space names,
along with the meaning behind the names we were gifted for these spaces.
Check out the videos below!
Te Tiritiri
Kura Tawhiti